Current partners

Associazione Amici dell’Ecuador está conformada por un grupo de amigos italianos que han compartido la historia de la Fundación Alli Causai, desde hace muchos años. Se basa en la solidaridad entre las personas por lo tanto los fondos se recogen a través del trabajo voluntario de 30 socios y el apoyo de muchas personas que comparten con la FAC el sueño de mejorar el mundo. Visita su página web o síguelos en Facebook

Radié Resch Net is an association of international solidarity founded in 1964 by the journalist Ettore Masina, following an intuition of Paul Gauthier, a French priest worker. Those who join RR Net are men and women committed in solidarity with people in the South of the world.

Fundacion Zan Zeno, founded in Verona in 1999, Fondazione San Zeno provides financial support to associations and organizations working with local partners to help them carry out developmental projects in the fields of education, vocational training and start-ups and sustain viable business initiatives. Their web page is

Johanniter Internacional is the partnership of the national charities originally founded by the Orders of St John. Our members share a common approach to humanitarian welfare and social aid based on our Christian heritage. We serve humanity with emergency medical services and first aid, social care, international aid, training and youth work. Their website is:

Farmamundi, a non governmental organisation dedicated to humanitarian aid and development which works in the health field and specialises in the distribution of essential drugs for countries in need. Their website is:

CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty. Their website is:

The Global Fund is an international financing institution that fights AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria with a 21st century approach: partnership, transparency, constant learning and results-based funding. Their website is